Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
4.17 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info |
1 | 0.70 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.username AS username_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.nom AS nom_5, t0.prenom AS prenom_6, t0.enable AS enable_7, t0.created AS created_8, t0.email AS email_9, t0.updated AS updated_10, t0.user_updated_id AS user_updated_id_11, t0.dossier_responsable_id AS dossier_responsable_id_12 FROM users t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
2 | 1.09 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.code AS code_2, t0.abreviation AS abreviation_3, t0.date AS date_4, t0.is_valider AS is_valider_5, t0.is_integrer AS is_integrer_6 FROM periode t0 WHERE t0.code = ? LIMIT 1
3 | 1.06 ms |
SELECT t0_.code AS code_0, t0_.id AS id_1, l1_.id AS id_2, l1_.code AS code_3, p2_.nom AS nom_4, p2_.matricule AS matricule_5, p2_.prenom AS prenom_6 FROM lcontract l1_ INNER JOIN pemploye p2_ ON l1_.employe_id = p2_.id INNER JOIN tbulletin t0_ ON l1_.id = t0_.contract_id INNER JOIN ppiece p3_ ON t0_.piece_id = p3_.id WHERE l1_.dossier_id = ? AND t0_.dossier_id = ? AND t0_.periode_id = ? AND p3_.id = 2 AND t0_.active = 1
[ 65 65 34 ] |
4 | 0.73 ms |
SELECT t0_.code AS code_0, t0_.id AS id_1, l1_.id AS id_2, l1_.code AS code_3, p2_.nom AS nom_4, p2_.matricule AS matricule_5, p2_.prenom AS prenom_6 FROM lcontract l1_ INNER JOIN pemploye p2_ ON l1_.employe_id = p2_.id INNER JOIN tbulletin t0_ ON l1_.id = t0_.contract_id INNER JOIN ppiece p3_ ON t0_.piece_id = p3_.id WHERE l1_.dossier_id = ? AND t0_.dossier_id = ? AND t0_.periode_id = ? AND p3_.id = 2 AND t0_.active = 1 ORDER BY t0_.id DESC LIMIT 10
[ 65 65 34 ] |
5 | 0.59 ms |
SELECT COUNT(l0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM lcontract l0_ INNER JOIN tbulletin t1_ ON l0_.id = t1_.contract_id INNER JOIN ppiece p2_ ON t1_.piece_id = p2_.id WHERE l0_.active = 1 AND t1_.dossier_id = ? AND p2_.id = 2 AND t1_.periode_id = ?
[ 65 34 ] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\Users | No errors. |
App\Entity\PDossier | No errors. |
App\Entity\HonoraireDetFixe | No errors. |
App\Entity\TCnssA00 | No errors. |
App\Entity\PNotification | No errors. |
App\Entity\Periode | No errors. |
App\Entity\PArretTravailLg | No errors. |
App\Entity\LElementEcheance | No errors. |
App\Entity\Tbulletin |
App\Entity\PPrelevementLg | No errors. |
App\Entity\Probleme | No errors. |
App\Entity\PBordereau | No errors. |
App\Entity\SyntheseRemunarationCab | No errors. |
App\Entity\LContract |
App\Entity\Pemploye |
App\Entity\PPiece | No errors. |